Life update

Hi there, me again... Back with yet another "wow I can't believe it's been so long" post. I've made so many of these posts it's not even funny, but I hope this time it will really stick. Since the last time I posted, right at the start of 2018, I was about to enter the final (and most stressful) leg of my university degree. I can't even begin to describe the amount of stress it actually was, far more than I anticipated. But here I am in May, having successfully made it out the other side with all of my course work complete and my 10,000 word dissertation submitted. I am officially finished with uni!!

It's been about 3 weeks since I finished and it honestly feels so weird. For the first week I would wake up and suddenly stress about an assignment that I was sure I was forgetting to do. It felt wrong that what I had spent the last 3 years of my life doing, was finally over -- I just couldn't come to terms with it. But now that I've been chillaxing for a while now, it's finally hit me and boy does it feel good!

My aim now that I'm done spending all my time on essays I don't enjoy writing, is to get back into enjoying writing blog posts, like I did when I first started this blog two summers ago (wow where did the time go??!!). I have some ideas of posts so for now I'm going to focus on them, and hopefully the rest will just flow!

Watch dis space...

Till next time,


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