2018 so far

I can't believe that it's going to be March at the end of this week... of 2018! How and when did this happen?! I feel like the older I get, the faster life seems to be flying by. As of now, I officially only have 5 more weeks of my final year of university left, which is craaaazy. Thinking about the future makes me so nervous, but also so excited. I just need to figure out what I want to do with myself first though *nervous laughs*. But since time seems to be going by so quickly, I thought I'd check in with a little catch up on what's happened so far!

I started this year with a BANG watching the New Years Eve fireworks at the London Eye, something I've always wanted to do! Having watched the show every year while I was growing up, the thought of the huge crowds always put me off the idea of going. But this year I managed to get tickets and I'm so glad. The whole experience was amazing, it wasn't overcrowded, it was actually really well organised. Our tickets were on Westminster Bridge, so slightly to the side but amazing nonetheless.

January also brought with it my 21st birthday, which my amazing boyfriend filled a surprise brunch with all of my friends, spoiled me with presents, and even took me to see Aladdin. We've been meaning to watch it for ages and it was so worth the wait. The singing was incredible, but the Genie definitely stole the show!

 My birthday weekend was also made up of hardcore cheer training, and even a competition the day after. I competed at level 5 for the first time, which just shows how far I've come since the beginning of uni. It was probably one of the most fun competitions because I wasn't nervous at all; we weren't competing against anyone so it was more of a "practice run". Despite a whole bunch of changes and problems that I've encountered this season, it was so fulfilling to hit all of my stunts, even if overall it wasn't the cleanest routine ever.

On a completely different note, my two little babies, Mia and Max, turned 6 months old in January! I can't believe how fast they're growing up and how big they're getting. Max is becoming so mischievous and cheeky, and Mia is becoming more and more vocal, she loves to make it known when she thinks she's not getting enough attention.

This week, my rock turned 25 - the big two five - so this week has been very chill. From seeing Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Part I (which we bought tickets for last January!) to pancakes in bed, to a surprise ping pong party followed by last night bagels. I feel like I've been having such a good time recently, which is awesome, but I have some big things coming up uni-wise, so that probably won't last for long. Trying to find a balance between work and pleasure is proving more difficult than I'd want but I've just got to suck it up and deal with it! In two and a half month it will all be over (wow much scary), I've just got to make it through hell until then! Bring on March, all my essay deadlines, big cheer competitions, and of course, my dissertation...

Till next time,


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