could it be september already
I had barely even been on the bloggers bandwagon before I fell off it. I completely lost motivation to write posts and didn't want to be writing stuff just to put it out there. I want to write stuff that I actually enjoy writing about, but I couldn't. However I've had a burst of motivation and I feel like giving it another go again. I'll hopefully have lots of inspiration with my writing from now on.
It's only just the beginning of September and it already feel like Autumn. But I'm not complaining. The weather is getting slightly worse, it's getting gradually cooler and the days are getting duller. But I love it, especially the feeling of sitting in bed on a gloomy day with a blanket, a cuppa tea and Netflix. Heavy rain outside hitting the window is just the cherry on top though amiright... There's something about Autumn that just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside, even when it's cold out. Big wooly jumpers, jackets and boots are so comfy and the epitome of a new of season.
Don't get me wrong, summer was great and I loved being at the beach and getting a tan. But having been on holiday since May, I'm over it now and eager for cold days and warm drinks. Even if that means I have to go back to university. Guaranteed when November comes I'll already be sick of the rain but that doesn't stop me from being excited for it now. To me, Autumn means Halloween and after that it's virtually Christmas and I love how nice festivity makes you feel. Without being too gross and soppy, I always imagine Christmas the way it is in the movies, all snowy and lit up, with everyone wearing scarves and hats and the whole thang. Oh and ice skating, duh.
Anyway, I sound like a big enough wet mop already so I'll leave this one here. If you take anything out of this post its that I'm ready for a new season and new memories as I go into second year...
Till next time,
already managed to wear my coat once this month ft 221b Baker Street |
Don't get me wrong, summer was great and I loved being at the beach and getting a tan. But having been on holiday since May, I'm over it now and eager for cold days and warm drinks. Even if that means I have to go back to university. Guaranteed when November comes I'll already be sick of the rain but that doesn't stop me from being excited for it now. To me, Autumn means Halloween and after that it's virtually Christmas and I love how nice festivity makes you feel. Without being too gross and soppy, I always imagine Christmas the way it is in the movies, all snowy and lit up, with everyone wearing scarves and hats and the whole thang. Oh and ice skating, duh.
Anyway, I sound like a big enough wet mop already so I'll leave this one here. If you take anything out of this post its that I'm ready for a new season and new memories as I go into second year...
Till next time,